Monday, November 7, 2011

Growing So Fast

Everyone will tell you that babies grow and change so fast. I did not realize how fast until I had my own child. Josiah is growing so quickly that I can hardly keep up.  Two weeks ago we went in for his 6 month check up. He weighed 17.9 lbs and was 27ish inches long. The girl marked the sheet to measure Josiah's length about 2 inches longer than he was. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and we think the 75th still for height. Last week he went through a growth spurt. He all the sudden went from eating 2 oz twice a day to 4 oz 3 times a day. He loves his baby food. He prefers it over his bottle. I don't think that we will have a hard time weening him off the bottle.

Josiah has mastered sitting up. He can sit for 30 + mins. He loves Baby Einstein! We don't want him getting used to watching TV but 30 mins helps mommy get dishes done! He loves sitting up in the bathtub. He also has learned to splash in the bathtub. I will lay him down on my hand to wash his hair and he can splash!

Yesterday his nose started running. Poor Baby! We thought he was getting sick but it turns out he is teething. We can see a tooth starting to pop through the gums! So big! I am not ready for my baby to be so big! We are still working on the crawling. We haven't gotten the coordination down quite yet. I am not rushing it though! Once he is mobile, he always will be. I am not sure I am ready for that yet.

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks!


Josiah's Room

I have never posted pictures of Josiah's room. His theme is Mickey Mouse Sports. Here you go...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Six Months - Oct 11th

Last week Josiah turned 6 months old (Oct 11). I am in awe of this gift that God has given us. He is such a blessing. When people see us out and about they tell me how blessed Josiah is that we have given him a home. I think we are more blessed that God chose us to parent this amazing little boy. He makes me smile everyday. His smile is contagious. Everyone who meets him loves him. He is incredible. I know that I am partial since he is my little man but he is an amazing little guy. We are so blessed to be a part of his life. God has amazing plans for you Josiah. I can't wait to watch them unfold.

Adoption is such an incredible journey. One day I will share our entire adoption journey on here when I have time. It is amazing to watch what God can do when you step out of the way and tell God "Whatever you want. Please use me." It is such a scary place to be and yet the peace that filled me can only come from God. How quickly I forget that peace and want to control my life instead of allowing God to control my life. When God is in control, life is amazing.

Josiah is such a blessing to us. I am in such awe that the God of our universe handpicked Josiah to be a part of our family. Josiah is now sitting up for decent spans of time by himself. I still sit behind him (or place a pillow behind him) so that when he topples, I can catch him. He is teething. Poor guy. I am so ready for that tooth to come through. He is a trooper though. He smiles and laughs. He recognizes people. He loves his family. He reaches for who he wants and he will let you know if he does not want you to hold him. :) He prefers his fruit to his veggies. He won't take a full bottle anymore. Three oz and he is done. He refuses to finish his bottle later. Maybe he just really likes regular food? Not sure. We are working on that. He started sleeping through the night every other night but has now regressed. He still takes a 6 oz bottle overnight. Overnight and right before bed are the only 2 times he will take 6 oz. On the scale at home he weighed 17.5 lbs a week and a half ago. He is solid muscle!

Josiah is rolling all over the place! He gets up in the crawling position and then lays down. He scoots on his sides. He can cover some ground. Soon he will be crawling everywhere. Right now his favorite thing to do is roll around on the floor with his toys. He likes to be mobile. He will only stay in his exersaucer for short periods of time. He still love his jumper though. He can get some air too! I may have mentioned this before but Josiah loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse. He gigles and smiles when Mickey comes over the hill on the theme song. Once the theme song is over he is done. He also loves Baby Einstein. We have the Mozart video and he is mesmorized by it. Josiah's Mimi taught him how to find his toes. If you ask him to get his toes he will! He chews on them mostly. Its the teething. He is getting so big so quickly. He is all boy! He is a rough and tumble boy who loves to play.  I am so excited about getting to watch him grow up. It is so fun watching him learn new things. Josiah is such a treasure from God!



Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Last week we took Josiah to his first baseball game with some close friends of ours! He may not of paid attention to the game but he really enjoyed being the center of attention.