Monday, November 7, 2011

Growing So Fast

Everyone will tell you that babies grow and change so fast. I did not realize how fast until I had my own child. Josiah is growing so quickly that I can hardly keep up.  Two weeks ago we went in for his 6 month check up. He weighed 17.9 lbs and was 27ish inches long. The girl marked the sheet to measure Josiah's length about 2 inches longer than he was. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and we think the 75th still for height. Last week he went through a growth spurt. He all the sudden went from eating 2 oz twice a day to 4 oz 3 times a day. He loves his baby food. He prefers it over his bottle. I don't think that we will have a hard time weening him off the bottle.

Josiah has mastered sitting up. He can sit for 30 + mins. He loves Baby Einstein! We don't want him getting used to watching TV but 30 mins helps mommy get dishes done! He loves sitting up in the bathtub. He also has learned to splash in the bathtub. I will lay him down on my hand to wash his hair and he can splash!

Yesterday his nose started running. Poor Baby! We thought he was getting sick but it turns out he is teething. We can see a tooth starting to pop through the gums! So big! I am not ready for my baby to be so big! We are still working on the crawling. We haven't gotten the coordination down quite yet. I am not rushing it though! Once he is mobile, he always will be. I am not sure I am ready for that yet.

Here are some pictures from the past couple of weeks!


Josiah's Room

I have never posted pictures of Josiah's room. His theme is Mickey Mouse Sports. Here you go...