Saturday, August 27, 2011

4 Months Plus Some

Josiah turned 4 months old August 11th. It seems like he is changing daily. Last Tuesday we went to the doctor for his 4 month checkup. He said Josiah is doing great! He weighs 15 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile) and is 26 in long (75th percentile). They measured his head at 17 in but said that it was 17 in last time so either someone made a mistake last time or Josiah was too wiggly this time. The doctor said as long as his soft spot hasn't closed (which it hasn't) we should not be concerned about his head not getting bigger. His head is still in the 50th percentile so he is good. Josiah still wakes up over night once. I asked the doctor if we should stop giving him a bottle overnight and he said that if he is taking a full bottle, then he is probably hungry and to continue to give it to him. So I guess we will be getting a few more sleep interrupted nights for awhile. He did say that he should sleep through the night once he is getting 3 meals a day. He also said if he starts to only take an ounce or two, then he is just trying to sooth himself back to sleep and he does not need to have his bottle. Overall Josiah got a healthy report. He scooted himself across the table for the doctor. He now scoots himself on the floor or bed if he is on his belly. Today he started flipping from his back to his belly and back again! He is becoming a rolly polly! We have officially entered the world of mobility!

This weekend we are starting little man on vegetables. He has been on rice cereal for 2 or 3 weeks now. I think he may be going through a growth spurt because he is eating like a pig! He has discovered our dogs. It is so funny. We have 2 golden retrievers that weigh close to 90 lbs or so. About 2 weeks ago I was holding him and he just started laughing. I looked up to see what he was laughing at and I saw Kelsey (one of the goldens). He was cracking up and making Chris and I laugh so hard. Now anytime he sees the dogs he laughs or smiles. He loves watching them run in the backyard! He just laughs and he follows them with his eyes. Also a couple weeks ago I went to pick up little man from his Mimi and he gave me the sweetest baby kisses. It is his new thing when he is tired or I pick him up, I get sweet baby kisses! (He must be kissed on a lot by his mama!)

Well here are some pictures from the last couple weeks!

Josiah loving on Kelsey

Daddy and Josiah

Mommy and Josiah

I am so tickilish!

Chris' parents and siblings and Nanny came over for a cook out and swimming!

Daddy and Josiah swimming

Auntie Kel Kel hanging out with Josiah!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Weekend of Firsts

Josiah had a weekend of firsts this past weekend. Friday night we went down to the pool with my cousin and her girls. Nana joined us too. This was Josiah's third trip to the pool. He really did not care to get in the firt 2 times. Once his bottom was in, he would fuss. On Friday he was unsure of the water at first. It was much warmer than the first 2 times since it was evening and the sun had warmed it all day. A friend gave us a float for little man. Once we put him in the float, he thought the pool wasn't so bad. Actually, he loved it! So Josiah went swimming for the first time on Friday! He also had his first cookout at our house since everyone stayed for hot dogs and hamburgers after the pool.

On Saturday, we decided to start little man on rice cereal to see how he would do. At first he wasn't sure what to think. After about 2 bites he decided it wasn't too bad. Once he got the swallowing part down, I think he really liked it. Sunday, he ate about 1/2 a tablespoon of rice cereal. Tonight he decided he wanted to play with the spoon more than eat. He wanted to try and do it himself I guess. It was so funny.

He has also gotten to where he will see his bottle, reach for it and pull it to his face. He doesn't quite have the coordination to get it into his mouth, but he is doing so good trying. We use glass bottles, so they are heavier. It will take him awhile before he can do it himself but he wants to already.

We have a jumper for him that hangs over the door. He has learned to jump and spin himself around in it. He loves it. I was trying to get some pictures and he was not smiling. He was just starring at the camera. So I decided to play peek a boo with the camera and I got great smiles out of him. He is laughing so much lately. Sunday he just started laughing and laughing at Kelsey, our dog. There was no reason other than he just laughed at her everytime he saw her.

He is also getting proficient with rolling from his belly to his back. It is like a reflex. Lay him on his belly and he automatically flips to his back. He has decided that he knows how to do it and he likes it. So now when he goes to bed, he flips over and wakes up. Stinker. He is waking up more frequently the last couple of nights because he flips to his back. Isn't that going backwards. This learning thing is wearing this mommy out.

Nana's fingers are so good!

This is kinda fun!

This is really fun!


Nana and I!

I am so big!

This tastes good!

Me and Mommy!

Look at my curly hair!

Not so sure about rice cereal after my first bite.

By the third bite...this is pretty good stuff!

I like it!

Hanging out in my Jumper!

Having a little fun...

Fascinated with mommy's camera!

Mommy is playing Peek a boo with me with her camera!

She caught my smiles!

I am having fun!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ramblings and Pictures

I am not sure where July went! I was so determined to keep everyone up to date on Josiah. I went back to work and life seems to have overtaken me. I feel like I am finally starting to catch up at work after being gone almost 10 weeks. I am slowly catching up on other areas of my life as well including this blog. So here is the latest on Josiah...

He is now 3.5 months old. He is so sweet!!! He laughs and coos and giggles at you. He loves talking and smiling. Earlier this week I had a full conversation with him in the car on the way to his Nanas's house. It went something like this...

Mom: Are you going to have fun at Nanas's?
Josiah: grunting noise
Mom: Are you going to miss mommy today?
Josiah: more noises
Mom: I am going to miss you today.
Josiah: grunting noises
Mom: Mommy loves you!
Josiah: very serious noises and grunting

And it continued. It was so cute. We kept going back and forth. Of course, we understood each other perfectly. Later that day I was telling a co worker and they assured me that when he is 3 I will not think it is so cute. I am not so sure. I love talking to my baby!

Josiah is so animated now. He loves watching TV whether it is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or NCIS. He is sleeping 6 to 8 hrs a night. We have tried every trick everyone has said to get him to sleep longer. He is on his own schedule though. We have put rice cereal in his bottle since he was 8 weeks old. (don't judge me. this mama needs her sleep) he started sleeping 6 hrs. Last week he was having some bathroom issues so we took him off it and he started sleeping 8 hrs. Go figure... Also he stays up for almost 3 hrs before bed so that I can wear a him out. Most nights I give him his bottle and he is asleep before he is halfway through so I have to coax the rest down him. He still does not sleep but about 6 hrs and lately some nights he has been sleeping 8 hrs. So little man has made it clear who is in charge.

Little man has reflux pretty bad. We have tried different bottles, milichon, gripe water, different formula, sitting him upright, and so much more. Little man is so smart. Last week, he started splitting his bottles. He is currently taking 4 to 6 oz. He takes 2 to 3 oz and then waits 30 mins or so and takes another 2 to 3 oz. This has all but eliminated his reflux. Why didn't I think of that. It was like he said "mom stop trying everything. Let me show you what I need to do." So I am learning that my kid is pretty smart and he is on his own schedule and I need to chill a little. :)

Josiah hates his car seat. This past weekend we went to Kentucky to meet daddy's extended family. I think he screamed and cried more than he has slept. Our 6 hr drive up there turned into a 9 hr drive. He did a little better on the way home. He slept 3 hrs. He is a sweetheart even if he hates traveling.

He is getting stronger and learning new things. He can rollover from his belly to his back. He only puts up with tummy time for a few minutes though so he doesn't do it very often. He does it a lot overnight and wakes himself up in the process. He loves playing with his toys. He has a ladybug that he loves playing with and a piano that lights up that he can't get enough of. He wants to sit up so bad. He constantly wants to be upright and looking around. At Nana's he loves watching the fish. He tracks them following one around the tank as it swims. He also loves to be naked. I have never seen a kid smile and laugh as much as he does when he gets changed. Josiah is also sooo ticklish rom his head to his toes! His laugh is the best!

His next dr appt is in Aug. I weighed him on a scale and he weighed 14.5 lbs. I can't wait to see how much he has grown when we get to the doctors. He will be four months and able to start eating some baby food. I am so excited about getting to watch him discover new foods. I think once he starts eating "real" food, it is all over. He is going to start growing like crazy!

Well I will stop rambling and show you some pics from the last 2 months. We also had professional made of him at 3 months. So I will post those soon. I hope you enjoy my little man! He is such a blessing to us!

Happy Father's Day!

So Tired!

Hi Daddy!

My favorite place to sleep!

I love my ladybug!

I love my Nana and Papa!

Talking to Papa!

Sleeping with my teddy!

I love reading books!

I am not really sure I want to be in this.

So serious.

Fourth of July Weekend!

Hanging out with Mommy!

My first trip to the pool!

 Hanging out with friends for the Fourth of July!

Aunt Kelly let me borrow her daughter S' piano. It is my favorite!

Getting love from Aunt Kelly!

So cute in my Mickey outfit!

This is how mommy found me after she finished vacuuming! Vacuuming wears me out!

Sitting up like a big boy!

Watching the colors on Daddy's laptop!

Bathtime is so much fun!

Daddy and I in KY!

Loving on Pawpaw and Grandmom!

Hanging out with Mommy and Mimi!

Mommy's Boys!