Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catching Up

Sunday was Josiah's first Easter. Of course, he had to have a Easter basket.

Josiah met so many more people on Easter. We had Easter lunch with Mimi and Poppy. Josiah met his Aunt Erica and Uncle Derek.

Then we went to my aunt's house for dessert. Josiah got to meet Nana's side of the family.

Aunt Liz

Auntie Kel-Kel 

Monday Josiah went to see his pediatrician. The doctor said that he is doing great. As of Monday weighed 8 lbs 12 oz. At 2 weeks the doctor says they look to make sure he is at his birth weight. Josiah has surpassed his 8 lbs 4 oz birthweight with flying colors. Have I mentioned he is strong. Sunday he rolled from his back to his stomach on the bed. When he is upset, he pushes up with his legs until he is standing on me. I know I am biased but this little guy is strong! Here are some pis from the week. 

My birth family bought me this outfit! Aren't I adorable!

I look so small in my swing! Thank you daddy for putting it together!

Our neighbors found this and bought it for me! Thank you guys!

I look so big in my newborn sleeper. I won't fit in this very long! 

Daddy missed me after he went back to work Tuesday. I needed some Daddy time!

Wednesday - Josiah got his first bath in the tub. We had to wait to do anything but sponge baths until a week after his circumcision. He did ok at first. He was looking around thinking "what in the world". Then like a switch he started screaming. Once we got him out of his bath tub and wrapped up in a towel with a diaper on, I washed his hair in the sink. He loved that! Don't ask. I bath him in the tub and he hates it but I hold him head first under running water and he loves it.

Getting ready for my first official bath.

I don't like it...

But I don't mind this...

Look at my curls!!

I hope you enjoyed the update. Have a great night!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I feel like it has been a whirlwind since we arrived home on Friday. I am sorry that I am just now getting back to the blog. Hopefully things are now slowing down and we are starting to establish a routine. A lot has happened since Friday so I am going to attempt to catch everyone up.

We made it home early Friday afternoon which was a miracle after the morning we had. If you read my last post about Josiah exploding on Chris Friday morning, it got even better. As soon as I had posted that, Josiah got really upset so we pulled over to a rest area. He had exploded in his diaper again not 10 mins after the last time. We had to change his clothes. As we were changing him, he peed all over the place. So we ended up with a baby wipe bath in the middle of a rest station. Everyone has said that we are now officially parents. It took us an hour and a half to go 30 miles so it was a huge miracle that we made it home as quickly as we did. Josiah slept the rest of the way home. He did not wake up till we were about 2 exits away.

When we got home Friday, we had lots of family to meet. First we met Poppy and Mimi, Uncles Noah and Jeremiah and Aunt Alexa!

Uncle Noah loves me!

Alexa is not too sure about sharing mama.

Josiah then got to meet his Nana and Grandpa...Grandaddy...Papaw...we aren't sure yet. He wants to wait until Josiah picks a name. So until then I am playing around with a few names to see what fits for now. He also got to meet his Aunt Liz and Auntie Kel-Kel.

We did not get pictures with Aunt Liz and Auntie Kel-Kel till Sunday. So I will post those later on. On Sat we got to meet my cousin Jessica and 2 of her girls.

I was getting hungry so Laya had to trick me with a pacifier. It only works for a few seconds.

By the time Meena got to hold me, I was hungry and ready for bottle. I would not take a pacifier anymore.

I also got to meet my Aunt Kelly and Sasha! Sasha loved me! I heard that Sasha doesn't want a baby brother or sister. Just a baby Josiah! That made mommy's heart melt! We are praying for you a baby Josiah Sasha!

Sasha had to put a blanket on baby Josiah, hence the washcloth on his back. She is going to be a great big sister!

Sasha loved playing with Kelsey and Cody our doggies. They are so good with kids. We are blessed. I don't think they know what is coming though.

 As you can see, Josiah is one very loved little boy! And this is only the tip of the iceburg compared to all those that I know love him and are praying for him. Thanks to everyone who cares about our little guy! I will post Easter pictures in a bit!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Josiah Time

I still have not been able to upload the pics of the beach. Hopefully once I am home I will get my beach post posted.

We are finally on the road. It is currently 10:15 am. We started this process this morning at 7. The plan was to shower, pack and leave by 8 or 8:30. Josiah was suppose to eat around 8 so we could feed him and hit the road. That should give us 3 hrs before we had to stop. Well Josiah decided to eat an hour early. Then his tummy was upset so mommy held him while daddy packed. Josiah fell asleep so we decided to get breakfast since by now it was 9 and he would need to eat again in a bit. We got in the car about 9:30. Pulled up to the gas station before getting on the highway. Josiah woke up. He made it about 2 seconds in the carseat. So we pulled into Starbucks so I could upload beach pictures and daddy could feed him. Side note: Chris and I have a joke that every time we stick a bottle in his mouth, he fills his diaper. It is like a reflex. So anyways, remember how is stomach was upset earlier. Yeah poor Chris. Josiah exploded in his diaper when daddy stuck the bottle in. I heard it in the backseat. It went everywhere. All over Chris and Josiah. The next thing I hear is "babe I need your help." I could not stop laughing the whole time I cleaned little man up. I know, next time it will be my turn but for now it was hilarious. Poor daddy. Now Josiah is sitting contently in his carseat looking around making adorable baby noises. He feels much better. I am sure one day he will kill me for posting this. Sorry little man! So now we are officially on the road. I did not get the pics of the beach uploaded so I will post that ASAP when I get home. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Headed Home

We cleared ICPC this morning! Yay! We are headed in the direction of home. We hope to be there tomorrow early afternoon or maybe even by lunch. We will see how quickly Josiah lets us get there. Thank you to our agency for bringing us and Josiah together and for helping us clear ICPC so quickly! Our agency caseworker told us today that Fl had overnighted our packet to Ga last night. Ga told them they are closed Friday and Monday. So Ga cleared us in a couple of hrs when they received our packet this morning. Crazy! God answered our prayers to be home by the weekend. From what I hear, Ga usually takes a couple of days which with the holiday would have put us leaving sometime mid next week. God is so good! He moved a mountain today to get us home by the weekend. Praise Jesus! Thanks again for all who have prayed for us!

I will post pics from yesterday soon. We have pictures of Josiah's first trip to the beach!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Doctors, Doctors and More Doctors

I am sorry this post is late. I wrote it last night but was having internet difficulties. Enjoy!

Josiah was circumcised this morning. Poor little guy. He was a trooper though. He only cried a little bit when they numbed him. Other than that he laid there great for the procedure. Chris and I were in the room which I did not expect. I am certain that the procedure hurt Chris and I more than Josiah. It was aweful! Once the lidocane wore off, he cried for a bit but snoozed most of the afternoon. Then we went to get checked out by his pediatrican that saw him after his birth. He said that he was doing great! He weighs 8 lbs 9 oz. He is as big as I was when I was born. He has surpassed his birth weigh by 5 oz in 1 week. We have a big boy on our hands. If he grows into his hands and feet, it is going to require another part time job just to feed him! He is going to tower over us one day.

Our ICPC paperwork was submitted yesterday. We are still hoping to be home by the weekend. Please pray! I know there are many people waiting to meet little Josiah!

Now for the real reason that anyone reads our blog: Pictures...

You want me to go to sleep? Fat Chance!

Sleeping is not so bad...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Home Sweet .... Hotel

Josiah was discharged today! Praise Jesus! Sorry it has taken so long for me to post about it. Josiah has had a rough day. This morning the doctor came in and did his discharge exam. He did not care for it. Then they had to do his PKU test. They pricked his little feet. He did not care for that either. He slept for about 4 hrs straight this afternoon. His nurses have been great though. We had a great experience while we were in the hospital. Last night, Chris and I left the hospital to go to dinner. Josiah's nurse told us to stay out as long as we want. She needed some baby time. When we returned, he was at the nurses station just hanging out. She also did his 5:30 am feeding so we could sleep and she could have more baby time. All the nurses love him!

On a side note, Chris and I have discovered a little Italian Cafe that has the most amazing desert. It is called toasted almond. In the 7 days we have been here, we have had it 4 times. It is so bad!!! But yet sooo good!!!

Back to Josiah. He is doing really well and is very strong. Yesterday when he was having his picture made, she set him on his tummy and tried to turn his head towards the camera. He then picked up his head and turned it the other direction and then laid it down again. I know am biased but I think my little guy is fantastic and so strong!!

Pray for my little man tomorrow. He is going to be circumcised in the morning at 8:15. Poor little man. He then has to see a pediatrician again tomorrow afternoon. It is going to be a big day for our little man.

All of our paperwork has been submitted to Florida for ICPC clearance. Now we are back to waiting. We are hoping to be heading home by the end of the week.

 And now for some pictures of our little man.

Good Morning Little Man!!


Waiting to go home!

Daddy putting on my going home outfit. This was also the outfit that Daddy wore when he came home from the hospital. Thank you Mimi for letting me have it!

More Waiting!

Just because I am handsome!

First Family Picture!

Ready to go!

Mommy is happy we are one step closer to going home!

Daddy is ready to get his family home!

I am holding onto Daddy...Always and Forever!

We are on our way!

Hotel sweet Hotel...

We are so blessed to have Josiah almost home!