Sunday, January 8, 2012


The end of 2011 came so quickly that I was never able to do an update for Josiah for his 7th and 8th month. Now he is about to turn 9 months old! Where does the time go? The last 2 months have been filled with a lot of firsts and a lot of special moments.

Nov 16th Josiah officially became ours! His adoption became final! We threw a huge party to celebrate!

On the conference call with the judge

He is ours!

Josiah's first Thanksgiving was spent with Lezlie's family out of state. The drive was a little trying. We tried to drive into the night so Josiah could sleep because he HATES the carseat. That backfired on us big time. Josiah woke up at 12:30 am and screamed in his carseat till we got home at 2 am. We decided that in the future we would rather hear him scream when we are more awake then when we are exhausted so we won't do that again for awhile.

Josiah: "I want your sunglasses Grandpa!"

All the kids made Pilgrim and Indian hats! Josiah was not left out!

Mommy's Little Indian!

"This Thanksgiving food is yummy!!!"

Josiah has changed so much in the last 2 months. He started "army" crawling around 8 months. He will get up on his hands and knees and crawl in the bathtub but would rather drag himself across the floor. He has discovered the dogs water bowl which has now been dumped on him at least 3 times. He has also discovered how to open cabinet doors to pull out what is inside. He pulls up on everything including the dogs. They are so patient with him and allow him to crawl over them. He also started saying "Babababa." The week before Christmas, he came down with a virus so we took him to the doctor and he weighed 18 lbs 14 oz. He quickly recovered in time for Christmas!

Christmas was so exciting! I did a whole blog post on it. We headed to see Chris' extended family out of town. Josiah did great! I think we finally figured out how to travel with little man. He napped so well in the car and played for a good bit of time. He was only fussy a short time which was amazing! While we were visiting, we had a brief snowfall. Josiah loved watching the snow fall. It is so much fun watching him discover new things!

Josiah's first snow!

Josiah's First Christmas

Josiah loved Christmas! He loved the paper! He loved ripping and eating it. Josiah also said "Mama" over Christmas (Dec 23rd). I wasn't in the room and my mom and sister said that when I left he said Mama twice. The following Monday he said it again once I left the room. However, I did get to hear him say it later Monday night as we were playing. It was his Christmas gift to me! Not long afterward, he started saying "Dada." Chris came home Jan. 2nd and put Josiah on his lap. Josiah looked into his eyes and said "dada." It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. (Josiah had said dada earlier that morning but Chris was not home.) Happy New Year to Dada!

Here was our Christmas...

Getting ready for Christmas!

We celebrated Josiah's Christmas with Mimi and Poppy (Chris' parents) Dec. 23rd since he would be asleep for our celebration with them after the Christmas Eve Servie on the 24th.

First Christmas Present!

Loved ripping the paper!

Thank you Mimi and Poppy for my new toys!

We celebrated Christmas Eve Day with Nana and Grandpa (Papa) (Lezlie's Parents). 

"Bob" from Aunt Liz

Nana and Grandpa (Papa) made a recordable book for Josiah!

Josiah loved Nana's dancing sock monkey! He laughed and laughed and of course he had to eat him!

His shirt says "I'm the best present ever" and it is so true! Thank you for all the gifts Nana and Grandpa!

Christmas Eve

Good Morning! It's Christmas!!

Loving the paper!!

Happy New Year!!!